I’d love to tell you…
“Every single one of our Members is thriving in a long and lucrative career as a salon owner with Salon Plaza.”
Most do well – some do very well indeed, beyond their wildest expectations. Like Danielle TheStylist pictured here.
Truth be told, every now and then, a new Member comes to Salon Plaza with all the hope and optimism born in their soul.
And they try. And they work at it. And they see clients –
… but they fail to make enough to justify owning their own salon.
What’s The Number One Reason WHY?
Salon Plaza Truth: Having enough cash flow to pay the lease.
Why’s that?
Not having enough clients, who pay high enough fees, often enough.
(NOTE: that’s 3 reasons, how many clients you have, how much they spend with you each visit, and how frequently they come in.)
What’s The Root Cause?
Forgetting you are in two businesses –
The business of doing hair, nails or skin (your craft)
The business of MARKETING your salon services
Pretty simple.
I see two basic reasons why some people don’t market themselves profitably –
1. They don’t know what to do
2. They don’t DO what they know they should do
Let’s consider #1 – They don’t know what to do, or they do the wrong things, which don’t work, costing them money and time without providing the payoff of more business.
The Cure:
Follow this Salon Plaza Success Blog and sign up for our 52 Keys to Salon Owner Success. Both of these sources for savvy marketing will give you proven, simple to follow step-by-step recipes to get more clients.
As Easy as Pie. Honest.
If this is YOUR downfall – and you are ready to discover how to attract clients like crazy and keep them loyal to you – then…
Also, sign up to receive our blog posts via email – That is the best way I know to make sure you won’t miss ONE SINGLE TIP (or two) that will make all the difference in getting what you want out of your business life:
and now for…
Reason #2: You Know What Works But You Don’t Do It
What the…! That’s dumb.
Ok, sorry. Going out of your comfort zone is never easy.
It’s risky.
You risk your time, maybe a little money. More importantly, you put yourself on the line by saying:
“Look at me. I am worth listening to. I’m the right person to meet your salon needs. I am asking for your attention and want to turn you into a friend and client.”
For some of us, especially us women, that can be really hard. We’ve been taught since day one not to interrupt, be intrusive, or (heaven forbid) BRAG. (Unless it’s about our kids, but that won’t help build our clientele).
Let’s Call It The Invisible Syndrome
We can help you overcome that.
Another related reason for not doing what you know you should do is SELF-DOUBT. You may be wondering…
“Will this work for me? Can I follow the steps?”
We can help you with that, too.
What’s Your Base?
Yet another reason for failing to market effectively is not knowing your numbers. How many clients paying how much per visit, how often, do you need to make your lease and live comfortably?
Those are really good numbers to know. And we can help you figure all that out.
One Truly Valid Reason
You may be waiting to get started because one thing you must do to market yourself is really HARD, even for someone like me who successfully promotes others.
The HARDEST part is knowing what makes you unique, why someone would choose you over all others, including doing it themselves or doing nothing at all…
“I’ll just let my hair dry out and break…”
Just as challenging, you must be able to put that desirable difference, your Unique Brand Promise, into words.
Help To The Rescue!
That’s what our 52 KEYS to Salon Owner Success and this Salon Owner Success BLOG is all about. Both are dedicated to help you create your Space for Prosperity – for your mind, your body and your soul.
If You Haven’t Already – Sign Up for Both!
If you want to make it at Salon Plaza, or wherever you are working now, then, well, you know what to do – simply Click Here:
There is one more reason why salon owners might struggle to make it. They come up a little short on having the self-discipline to learn what they need to know and follow through. If that’s you, then here’s a little inspiration – The ONE Magic Power of Success.
Now help me to help you better. What do you need most to succeed –
“What is the single biggest challenge you face in building your client base?”
Leave me a comment below: