September 4, 2015

Salon Booth Renters: Your #1 Top Skill… It’s Not What You Think!


Attention Salon Booth Renters – Salon Booth Rental is really all about being in Business for Yourself

AND.. No matter how good of a hairstylist, barber, nail tech or esthetician you are, when you are in business, you have to sell yourself.

salon booth rental salon plaza studios business cardUgh!

For many salon booth renters, “SALES” is just a dirty word. We really don’t like to think we’re “selling”. Do you have an image of a salesman to hate?

Most of us can conjure up a negative image of a salesperson, including me… and as a business owner, I am one!

If you are a salon owner or an independent salon professional, then YOU are in SALES.


Read on for Salon Plaza’s 3 Steps to Build Your CONFIDENCE… 

FLASH BULLETIN: No one new will know you are worth seeing if you don’t sell them on you. When you tell friends you’ll cut their hair, you are selling, even if your offer is for free. What happens is that (if you did a good job and have confidence) they tell the people they know.

Of course, one of the best ways to get more clients is with referrals.

Thing is, word-of-mouth has to start somewhere. That starting point is you. The secret to getting the ball rolling? You have to have confidence in what you are selling. Meaning, YOU, your craft and your products for sale.

Have you ever met someone that could sell water to a fish? Have you ever wondered how? You may be saying to yourself, “They’re just born with the confidence that I don’t have.”


Salon booth renters can have the same confidence as the best in the industry. You just have to learn how and practice.

3 Steps to Building Self-Confidence & Getting Really GOOD at Asking for the Sale:

Salon Booth Renters try Salon Plaza

Step 1: Overcome the Fear of Getting Started…

The difference between the person who can sell water to a fish and you (if you hate to sell) is that person puts fear aside and does what’s needed. This is the first step to a breakthrough to becoming confident in your ability to make amazing things happen in your life.

It’s not going to be easy… but nothing great comes from easy street. Maybe you’re scared to own your own salon because you have a little voice in the back of your head telling you that you might fail.

Guess what, we all fear failure

Guess what else, we all fail. If we didn’t fail we would never learn and we would never get better. Just like a child learning to walk, we learn from our mistakes and create prosperity… IF we get up and keep going!

salon booth renters You need these secrets to prosperity

Step 2: Learn from Mistakes…

If you already own a salon or barber shop, you have to give it your all. I hate to say it, but if you fail to be as busy as you want to be, it’s probably your own fault. Did you really try EVERYTHING? Check out these 35 Things Every Salon Pro Should Know…!!

Make your mistakes, wipe yourself off, get back up and try again. If you think about it, the last time things didn’t go as planned, whatever it was you did wrong, I bet you’re not going to do it again. Failing, learning and moving forward is the key in any successful business.

That’s why salon booth renters are always discovering something new. It’s not just your craft that you must keep improving; it’s also your business skills. Ask yourself,

“What is the one thing I need most to step up my career right now?”

Make the extra effort to become an EXPERT about the business of being in business. Become the expert and have confidence in what you know and do!

Knowledge + Confidence = Sales

If you know you’re good at what you do then own it. Ask yourself,

  • What is the BENEFIT of this skill or knowledge to my client?
  • What problems does it solve?
  • What positive outcome will it give that person who just sat in the chair?

Is it, more ‘good hair days’? more confidence? a job offer or promotion? a more professional look? extra attention from that special other…

Step 3: Ignore your Fear of Rejection

You can become the expert but it isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t use all that knowledge to build your client base. Become confident in talking with people you haven’t met yet about the BENEFITS of what you do. Here again, you may face some fears.

Not everyone you reach out to will not become your client. If you are going to be confident in yourself and keep that confidence you have to be able to handle rejection.

For example, you know you should do an excellent client consultation, but you may be afraid of asking too many questions. What’s the best way to make the connection and build that relationship of trust? To build loyalty, you must Master the Client Consultation.

The point is if you want to go from salon booth renters to salon owners you have to get out there and do the work. Put your fears and worries aside, take risks and grow. When you combine confidence in your skills as a salon professional with a can-do attitude, anything is possible

To help you gain confidence and succeed, watch this 7 Secrets of Salon Success video now… We made it special for salon booth renters like you, so click below:

salon booth renters You need these secrets to prosperity

Salon Plaza: Your Space for Prosperity


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