June 17, 2020

Let’s Celebrate with #MySuiteMoment!

As salons reopen and hairstylists, estheticians and other beauty professionals get back to work, we want to celebrate! One of our hashtags we use to celebrate is #MySuiteMoment. You know that moment…the moment when you get those goosebumps; when you know you changed someone’s life, when your clients look in the mirror after your service is complete and they take a selfie, when you help someone feel beautiful especially after these closures and quarantines, or maybe it is those first steps back into your salon suite. Anytime you feel goosebumps, you know something magical has happened and THAT is a #MySuiteMoment.  Tag @mysalonsuite or @salonplaza on Instagram and you can be featured on our instagram page! This hashtag is not limited to your salon life; if your new earned income bought a new bag, sent your child to camp, went on vacation, we want you to share!  There are Suite Moments happening every day in and out of all our salons!

Some Examples:

“Love being able to keep myself and my clients safe in my salon suite! #MySuiteMoment”

“MySuiteMoment is finishing my 4 Steps to Reopening my salon!”

“#MySuiteMoment is being back behind the chair!”

“#MySuiteMoment is being able to work my schedule around all my kid’s soccer games.”

“#MySuiteMoment is a beautiful and organized salon suite.”

“#MySuiteMoment is selling the products I love and sharing them with my clients.”

#MySuiteMoment is making my clients feel beautiful.”

“MySuiteMoment is giving back to my community.”

Top #MySuiteMoment Posts this week:

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