July 17, 2015

5 Keys To Run A Salon Business & Be A Mom: Make Your Dream Come True!


salonplazanicoleluffmanSalon Business Owners & Professionals – If You Want to Do It All & Live the Dream… This post is for YOU!

“How do you do it?”

That’s a question I get asked a lot.

I absolutely love what I do and how my life is flowing. This is usually my first answer to that question.

It’s Nicole here… Let me clarify. I am a mom, a wife and I manage my own business. On top of that, I stay involved with the school and church activities. Honestly, I am happy with it all!

No, I’m not a salon professional or own a salon business like you, but we are all entrepreneurs trying to make our dreams come true. What I am sharing with you today is meant for anyone who longs to be successful and happy.

So how do I manage everything and LOVE it? … And how can you do it too?

Make sure you’ve got in place these 5 Essentials to Balance & Happiness…

Key #1: Make sure you LOVE what you do.

This is absolutely necessary. When you know your WHY and love what you do as a salon business owner, you will have a drive and passion to do it even better! Because I love my work, I am always trying to get better at it. I will take a class or even shadow someone. Blogs also make great learning tools, just like the one you are reading now. To keep me in the loop for what is going on in my industry I sign up for free newsletters.

salon_owner_key_to_business_success_at_Salon_Plaza_TishawanaHow about you? How do you stay current and get better at running your salon business?

Key #2: You must have a schedule.

If you need help on how to organize your day, you should totally check out Salon Plaza’s blog post, “Salon Owners Guide to Life Management: You Only Need 2 Pages a Day”. Doing what it says really helps me prioritize my day and get my schedule in order!

Key #3: Make time for what matters in life.

The important things are you and your family. Make time for family every day. They are your support system and cheerleaders. Make sure they know you appreciate and love them. They will reciprocate and that is a good feeling.

Take time for YOU!! You, you, and only you!

You need time to pamper yourself. You work really hard and it should not be in vain. Take a bubble bath, read a book, go out with the girls and enjoy their company. I used to have girls’ night with my best friends every week. I looked forward to it so much. Recently I moved, which means I haven’t seen them for a while, but I still have ME time DAILY.

What are YOUR favorite ways to reap the rewards of your hard work? How often do you let yourself enjoy personal time?

Key #4: Do not mix work with home.

This one was hard for me to get a handle on because I work from home. What I do is I have a dedicated room in my house that is for work and work alone. You may work from home (my stylist did for awhile) or you may not. If you don’t work from home then remember, before you walk into your front door, shake it off.

I have transition time when I am done for the day. For you this may be time in your car, time on the porch, or even time after you lock up your salon. Take this time to reflect on your day. Think about what went right. Think about what went wrong and what you can do to make it better tomorrow.


Maybe you need to talk to someone about your day. Call a friend before you get home or before you enter the house.

If your spouse is home ask him to come outside to talk. Remember to listen to him, too! The point is to leave stressed energy out of the home and keep positive energy inside.

Key #5: Accept challenges

DO NOT FORGET… This one is very important so please pay attention. IT IS NOT ALWAYS EASY!!

The sooner you accept that there WILL be challenges along the way, the better off you will be. The thing about accepting the fact that there will be challenges is not the challenge itself, but how you handle it.

There are going to be difficulties and obstacles in life. If we stand tall and do not give up, we can only come out stronger!!

Is it YOUR Dream to own your own salon? Be in business for yourself? Set the atmosphere just the way you want it? Or maybe you already own your own shop and want an easy way to downsize?

If you want more secrets specifically about starting your own salon… this video is for YOU!

Get 7 Secrets Now!Discover how to create your Space for Prosperity


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