July 23, 2014

10 Beauty Secrets for Cosmetologists & Their Clients

10 Beauty Secrets for CosmetologistsSalon Plaza Countdown:

10 Beauty Secrets for Cosmetologists!

You know the Golden Rule – Do Unto Others…

This moral precept describes a “two-way” mutual relationship between one’s self and others. We usually think about this as treating OTHERS well.

As women, we often overlook the flip side – treating OURSELVES as carefully as we would others. To give OURSELVES the same consideration and service that we give our family, friends, and clients.

Our July Member of the Month, Rickisha White, is an excellent example of a salon owner who gets this right.

Attractiveness and Beauty come from within. When you start your day and carry through with love and consideration for yourself, you’ll become a light for your clients. Often what they need while sitting in your chair is your compassion and encouragement – even more than their scheduled beauty service.

To fully pamper and care for your clients, you must first take care of yourself with Salon Plaza’s 10 beauty secrets.

These 10 Beauty Secrets will show you how to live BOTH sides of the Golden Rule:


It’s true that being an independent beauty professional is amazing. You get to make your own hours, work with your ideal clients and do something you are passionate about. What a blessing!

The challenge, though, is to balance “work time” with “me time” and not let either side get out of balance. When you own a salon, you must put in the hours to build your book and be available to your clients.

On the other hand, you must also give yourself time with family, friends, and just for YOU –

What balance is right for you?

To bring out your beauty, you must consider ‘Joy of Life’ and ‘Quality of Life’. When you make a commitment to these, your family and friends will be happier, and so will you. To be more magnetic, more attractive to the things and people you want to draw to you, do the things you love which make you come alive.

What qualities of living do you want to experience more of now? What have you been dying to do that you have been putting off doing? Why wait? Schedule it. Do it soon.

10 Beauty Secrets for Cosmetologists9. GIVE YOURSELF THE BEST

Something really amazing happens when YOU receive the highest level of service available. All of a sudden, life becomes easier and more fun when you give yourself the kinds of experiences you truly enjoy.

And you know what? You’ll be able to give a higher level of service to your clients.

Go ahead, give it a try.


Traditional approaches of doing things have been passed down for generations. Learning from the past gives you a foundation for your creativity. Honoring your ancestors and learning from them are great ways to bring more ease – and more Beauty – into your life.

What do you already have in your salon, your home, and your closet that you can re-purpose and reuse to save you time and money while bringing Beauty into your life?


To look your most Beautiful best, you must nurture yourself. To know how, listen to your intuition. Ask yourself, “What do I need to be kind to myself?” Feminine qualities like – Creativity, Art, Beauty, Sensuality, Enjoying Life, Being in the Now – allow you to slow down and become more in touch yourself.

What makes you feel your most feminine? Is it going out dancing, being in nature, eating chocolate, or getting your nails done with a girlfriend?

By nurturing your feminine aspects, you will naturally take the time to savor the experience of living. It will show on your face and in your posture!


10 Beauty Secrets for Cosmetologists

Paying attention to little details can make a difference. Patterns, colors, delicacy, coordination, cleanliness… all creates an impression.

When you get ready for your day, slow down, pay attention, and make sure all the little details are handled.

Remember, you are a gift to your clients, family, and friends. The prettier the packaging, the more value one attributes to the gift! A better the quality of service is perceived. Think of the little blue box: Tiffany. Just seeing the box triggers a feeling of quality, luxury, and prestige.

Use that knowledge to your advantage. The more put together is “your packaging”, the more value people will attribute to you and your gifts.


A girlfriend of mine once told me, “I don’t buy anything that I don’t think is beautiful”.

Wow! In our throw-away, ‘ok for now’ world, that’s a great value to live by. Seeing Beauty uplifts your spirits. Choose things that you love and are beautiful to you, and put them in your home and your salon. You can start by placing something you love to look at in your booth. It will make you smile while you work.

Beauty will add greatly to the positive experience of your clients as you care for them in the atmosphere of your salon.

Let us know in the comments below how YOU take time for yourself…

Discover 4 More of our 10 Beauty Secrets HERE

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Taking good care of yourself is a habit that arises out of a loving mindset. Check out our weekly keys to success that will help you deepen your positive outlook on life and build supportive HABITS of SUCCESS:

  10 Beauty Secrets

Salon Plaza: Your Space For Prosperity! 

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