November 6, 2015

Beauty Pros: How Social Media Can Be Easy, Fun & Make You Money


beauty pros Social media marketing for salon ownersThe TRUTH for Salon Owners & Independent Beauty Pros: Social Media Matters!

Attention beauty pros!! Winter is fast approaching. Is your salon business facing a cool down just before the Holiday rush?

Maybe your clients are staying warm in their homes, doing what most do, getting on social media. When you have breaks between clients, why not spend time with your connections online?

If you don’t, you could be missing out on a lot of business.

Salon Owners & Beauty Pros – Use Your Time Wisely

This is an optimal moment to build your value with your clientele. Even bring in some new faces.

Let’s be real. If you don’t take the time to connect with your clients and prospects on online, some other beauty professional will.

They are gobbling up your potential new business… and possibly even some of your current clientele.

We can fix this for GOOD!

Social Media Marketing for Beauty Pros: 5 Must Do’s

1. Plan Out Your Posts

When you spend time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for instance, you might not think about planning out your posts. Most people just post whatever comes to mind, whenever they feel like it. Now that you’re in business for yourself, you need a plan.

Begin with the end in mind. When your connections see your posts, images, and messages, what do you want them to do? Most likely, make an appointment.

Now think, what will get them into your chair? Make a list of your ideas and then draft a series of posts. Try it out. If you don’t get a great response, then try something else.

Instead of constantly using the same ad, words or images, mix it up a bit!

2. Give Great Content

social media for salon owners and beauty pros - give great contentOne of the most important etiquettes to know about posting is that you can’t just sell.

People get turned off when their social feeds are flooded with ads. They will unfriend you or stop following you. I have stopped following many people and businesses because that is all they do.

Instead of just asking for the sale, your posts should offer valuable content: Tips, advice, how to, before and after… maybe a picture of a client’s nails or hair that you just did.

I love a great quote. Or post an article about a technique that you like… or a how-to video.

A few of your posts can share stuff from other salon owners. If you run a hair salon and have a friend with a nail salon, promote her.

You could also become an affiliate partner with a product line that suits your business. Promote that. Take time to do research because, if you do it right, you could make a little extra money.

IMPORTANT: After you give content that your clients and prospects VALUE as described above, end the post with a “Call-to-Action” – ask them to make an appointment and give your contact info.

If you do all that, then once in a while the post can be entirely about your special offer or holiday promotion… At most, 1 in 5 communications.

In general, focus your posts on need-to-know, helpful beauty tips. Get them itching to see what you offer.

3. Create Urgency

Most people act on impulse. Think about it. When you’re in the checkout line at a store, all that candy is right there. It’s now or never. You don’t even think about it. You just see a piece you like… and grab it because there’s no time to think.

Likewise, don’t give them time to think too much. Make them want it NOW!

For example, if you run a promotion on Holiday Styling, then don’t offer it for more than 2 weeks. People respond to posts that say, “Limited time only” and “Don’t miss your chance.”

Caution: Remember Rule #2

4. Tell the Viewer What to Do Next

Be clear about what you want your viewers to do. Tell them exactly!! For example: “Click now to get great hair tips.”

Hot Tip: If you need a client to fill a vacancy, then post the offer.

Example: “Running a special for 2:00 today. The first to mention this ad and fill the vacancy will get $10 off their bill. Call [Salon Name] at [phone] NOW!!”

Caution: Remember Rule #2

5. Track Your Results

Beauty Pros and Salon Owners - Add social media to your mix!To see what’s working and what’s not, you must track the results. If the first post you wrote never got a response, then try something else.

How many Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest contacts made appointments?

A social media management platform helps you to track what’s working. Hootsuite is great for getting started. It’s free for basic users, easy to use and provides instruction along the way.

Another advantage of using a platform is that you can manage all your online media in one area. This saves so much time.

Don’t Be a Copycat!

When you market yourself on social networks, what another stylist or salon is doing may not work for you. Try different things, track the results, and find out what works.

Watch for changing trends – stay on top of your efforts.

If you are not as busy as you want to be, spend some of your spare time marketing on social media. You’ll end up helping more people look their very best… profitably!


Beauty Pros, to warm up your business this winter, get more take-action tips like these – one in your email inbox each week.

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