March 22, 2014

Salon Design: How To Create A Loving Space That Reflects The True YOU


Salon Design

How To Turn Your Salon Space Into

A Haven From Daily Stress…


Salon Design Book Interiorology by Laurel James Cover

The other day at a friend’s home I noticed a well-worn book on her coffee table – Interiorology: Home Design From Within by Laurel James.

My friend assured me that she’d followed the principles to design her living space, which is peaceful, organized, and truly reflects her values.

Then I got this BRILLIANT! idea –

What if salon owners applied these same principles to their salon design?

Wouldn’t that help to create a haven from the hustle and bustle of the outside world for their clients? It would be a unique environment that truly reflects the owner’s personality.

Let me share my notes with you. They will take you through the process of discovering what is in your heart and show you how to reflect that in your unique, personal, one-of-a-kind salon design that distinguishes YOU from all others.

Be sure to let me know in the comments below what is most helpful.

1. Clearing Space – Your Physical Space Reflects Your Inner World

The first step in creating a loving salon space that reflects the true you is to start where it matters most – with you!

Slow down and take some breathing room for yourself each day. This daily personal quiet time (no TV, phone, or other external distractions) is essential for clearing the internal clutter and mental chatter that accumulates in our hearts and minds. Letting go briefly in whatever way works for you will give you the stability and foundation for a peaceful mind.

That’s the first step to keeping your physical space clear of clutter and organized. Check out how Salon Plaza Members reveal their morning routine to unwind, enjoy freedom, and prepare for their day.

2. Form Follows Feeling

A quote from Khalil Gibran hints at the next step to personalize your salon space and tap into your creativity:

“The things which the child loves remain the domain of the heart until old.”

Think back to your childhood – What memories make you feel happy? List 10 things you loved to do as a child. Do something from this list once a day (at least once a week!)

Walk through your salon with childlike curiosity. What can you add that reminds you of these early pleasures?

salon design heavenly hair salon woman's short curly hair3. Perspective and Placement

“A house is built with walls and beams
A home is built with love and dreams”
~ Unknown

There is a synergy between feelings, values, and placement. Your values, dreams, and feeling are central to you. Visualize how you want to feel and place décor in your salon space to reflect your heart.

Having a sense of direction is so important. You must develop a clear picture of what you want. Identify a personal goal and choose an item to represent it.

Answering these questions will help you to identify where your heart is leading you:

  • What are you working on in your life right now?
  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What is the one most important thing that needs attention?

At your core, what do you feel is the one thing you need or want? Intentionally place something in your salon that symbolizes that need or want.

Feel intentional. Feel inspired!

4. Natural Connections

Are you a lover of nature? Of music? As an adult, what do you enjoy doing most? If you love nature, once a day, go into nature to connect with yourself. Give yourself time, each day, to do something you love.

Whatever you enjoy most, bring some element of that into your salon and place it where you will see it. Let it inspire you as you work!

To “Design Your Salon Space from Within,” start with knowing what you value and remove anything that does not reflect your heart. Then intentionally bring into your physical salon space things that represent what you love.

Beyond Salon Design

As a business, getting clear on what your heart values gives you the foundation for communicating your Unique Brand Promise. Here are 5 more posts that will help you to establish your unique identity based on your values – the True You:

  1. Salon Owner’s Guide To Success: What Is Your “WHY”?
  2. How To Craft & Promote Your Unique Selling Promise 
  3. 9 Tips On How To Design A Salon Business Card
  4. Attract Clients To Your Beauty Salon With A Tagline
  5. Avoid The 8 Most Common Logo Design Mistakes

If you want to create marketing that communicates your value to your prospects and attracts clients like crazy, be sure to sign up for Salon Plaza’s 52 Keys To Salon Owner Success:

Salon Plaza's 52 Keys To Prosperity Button Salon Design

Salon Plaza: Your Space For Prosperity!


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